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technical analysis software


Bibliothek mit über 100  Indicatoren und Experten für Microsoft Excel.

Download von Aktienkursen direkt in eine Exceltabelle aus dem Internet

Erweitert Excel zum Tool für die technische Analyse mit erstaunlichen Möglichkeiten!

System Requirements


Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP

Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP



Download des AnalyzerXL und AnalyzerXL tutorial.

<% If ((Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST") and (Request.ServerVariables("CONTENT_LENGTH") > 0)) Then %> <% ' if we called from ibill webgood page then getting data from request, read webgood page link strName = Request.Form("firstname") ' first name strLastName = Request.Form("lastname") ' last name strEmail = Request.Form("email") ' email strTransaction = Request.Form("transaction") ' transaction number strPinCode = Request.Form("pincode") ' pincode strOrderID = mid (strLastName & "000000", 1, 6) & strPinCode ' generating order ID strInfo = "" ' collection subscribtion information strInfoCode = "" If (Request.Form("newversions") = "ON") Then strInfo = strInfo & " new versions;" strInfoCode = strInfoCode & "V" End If If (Request.Form("bugfix") = "ON") Then strInfo = strInfo & " bug fixes;" strInfoCode = strInfoCode & "B" End If If (Request.Form("sitenews") = "ON") Then strInfo = strInfo & " site news;" strInfoCode = strInfoCode & "S" End If ' Connection string to database strConn = "DSN=analyzerxl" strUID = "EOL53" strPWD = "EOL123777" strSelectByPinCode = "SELECT * FROM AXLOrders Where PINCode = '" & strPINCode & "'" ' AND " _ ' & " (Name = '' AND Lastname = '' AND Email = '')" ' Creating connection object Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.open strConn, UID, PWD ' Creating a record sets Set rsAXLOrders = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsAXLOrders.Open strSelectByPinCode, conn, 3, 3 'adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic if rsAXLOrders.RecordCount <> 1 Then Set maAlarmMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") maAlarmMail.Send "palmut@inbox.ru", "support@analyzerxl.com", "Database is corrupt!!!!", _ "strName = " & strName & ", strLastName = " & strLastName & ", strEmail = " & strEmail & _ ", strTransaction = " & strTransaction & ", strPINCode = " & strPINCode & ". Please, do something!" Set maPagerAlarmMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") maPagerAlarmMail.Send "bird@badminton.uz", "pager@rpage.uznet.net", "8147", _ "Database error:" & strName & ", " & strLastName & " at " & Date() Set maPager1AlarmMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") maPager1AlarmMail.Send "bird@badminton.uz", "pager@rpage.uznet.net", "2587", _ "Database error:" & strName & ", " & strLastName & " at " & Date() Else strKey = rsAXLOrders.Fields("Key") ' getting activation key to show it to customer 'Store fields With rsAXLOrders .Fields("Name") = strName .Fields("Lastname") = strLastName .Fields("Email") = strEmail .Fields("OrderID") = strOrderID .Fields("Transaction") = strTransaction .Fields("Blocked") = False .Fields("Date") = Date + Time .Fields("Notes") = "ByEmail:" & strInfo ' saving subscription information in the Notes field, where else? End With 'Update and close rsAXLOrders.Update rsAXLOrders.Close conn.Close ' sending mail to the support team Set maAddMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") maAddMail.Send "palmut@inbox.ru", "support@analyzerxl.com", "Database update", _ "strName = " & strName & ", strLastName = " & strLastName & ", strEmail = " & strEmail & _ ", strTransaction = " & strTransaction & ", strPINCode = " & strPINCode & ", strKey = " & strKey Set maPagerAddMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") maPagerAddMail.Send "bird@badminton.uz", "pager@rpage.uznet.net", "8147", _ "New user:" & strName & ", " & strLastName & " at " & Date() ' Set maPager1AddMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") ' maPager1AddMail.Send "support@analyzerxl.com", "pager@rpage.uznet.net", "2587", _ ' "New user:" & strName & ", " & strLastName & " at " & Date() ' Set maPager2AddMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") ' maPager2AddMail.Send "support@analyzerxl.com", "pager@rpage.uznet.net", "4360", _ ' "New user:" & strName & ", " & strLastName & " at " & Date() ' Set maPager3AddMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") ' maPager3AddMail.Send "support@analyzerxl.com", "pager@rpage.uznet.net", "8486", _ ' "New user:" & strName & ", " & strLastName & " at " & Date() ' set strUsermsg = "Dear, " & strName & " " & strLastName & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) &_ ' "Thank you for purchasing the AnalyzerXL." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _ ' "Your transaction code is " & strTransaction & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _ ' "Your PIN code is " & strPINCode & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _ ' "Your software activation code is " & strKey & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _ ' "Best regards,"& Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _ ' " AnalyzerXL support team." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _ ' " support@analyzerxl.com" ' ' Set maUserMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") ' maUserMail.Send "support@analyzerxl.com", strEmail, "Thank you for purchasing AnalyzerXL", strUsermsg End If %> <% Else %>

AnalyzerXL können Sie vor dem kaufen kostenlos innehalb von 10 Tagen testen. Danach haben Sie die Möglichkeit das Produkt zu erwerben und zu registrieren. Nach Eingabe Ihrer Daten erhalten Sie den PIN-Code und den Aktivierungscode für die Software, die Sie dann runterladen können. Klicken Sie hier , um AnalyzerXL oder  DownloaderXL jetzt zu bestellen.

Die registrierten Benutzer erhalten kostenlos die Updates für  AnalyzerXL innerhalb eines Jahres seit Kaufdatum.

<% End If %>

 AnalyzerXL 5.3 (1.2MB) (DownloaderXL inklusive)

 DownloaderXL 5.3 (0.7MB)

AnalyzerXL 5.1 compilierte Module für Microsoft Office Small Business Edition (AnalyzerXL 5.1 installation notwendig)

DownloaderXL 5.1 compilierte Module für Microsoft Office Small Business Edition (DownloaderXL 5.1 installation notwendig)

AnalyzerXL Tutorial (selbst extrairendes Zip archive).

Sie können auch unser Online-Tutorial nutzen: Tutorial on Line.




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